Lodz Special Economic Zone Joint-Stock Co.
90-349 Lodz, 22/24, Tymienieckiego St.
tel. (+48 42) 676 27 53, 676 27 54, fax 42 676 27 55
as the company managing Lodz Special Economic Zone, invites to a tender procedure aiming at selecting an entrepreneur who:
– will receive a Permit for carrying out a business activity within the Lodz Special Economic Zone in the Sub-zone Łódź, Area 1, Field 4 and
– will be able to buy an undeveloped real estate situated in Lodz Special Economic Zone – the Sub-zone Łódź, Area 1, Field 4 in Konstantynów Łódzki, at Przemysłowa St. (Pabianice District, Lodz Region), cadastral area K-18, described as the plots No.: 84/4 of the area 0,1512 ha, 85/4 of the are 0,5443 ha and 86/4 of the area 0,5653 ha, of a total area of 1,2608 ha, the Land and Mortgage Register No: LD1P/00047741/4, LD1P/00048304/6 and LD1P/00047746/9, run by the District Court in Pabianice, on which the business activity will be conducted.
The real estate, which is the subject of the tender procedure, is owned by Lodz Special Economic Zone Joint-Stock Co. and is encumbered with a limited property right in the form of an indefinite and unpaid at the time of transmission easement for Veolia Energia Łódź based in Łódź. The property is not subject to other obligations.
The opening bidding price of the real estate consisting of plots mentioned above is: 2.168.576,00 PLN + TAX (VAT) binding in the day of the sale.
Deposit (vadium) is: 216.857,60 PLN
Taking part in the tender is conditioned by:
1. purchase the „Specification of essential conditions for tender” (price: 20.000 PLN + 23% VAT). “The Specification of essential conditions for tender” can be purchased in the office of the Lodz SEZ, every day except Saturdays and Sundays, office hours: 8:00 a.m.- 4.00 p.m., by settling a non-returnable payment at the amount paying of 20.000,00 PLN plus 23% VAT in the account of mBANK nr 97 1140 1108 0000 2030 2200 1001. The interested Bidders can obtain further information at the office of the Lodz SEZ or via phone 42 275 50 71;
2. and by paying deposit (vadium) in the amount mentioned above by 9th October 2015 at the latest, to the account of Lodz Special Economic Zone Joint-Stock Co, No: 58 1020 3352 0000 1102 0011 0445.
The tender offers are to be submitted at the office of the Lodz SEZ Joint-Stock Co. in Lodz by 13th October 2015, 4:00 p.m. at the latest.
The opening session of the tender will take place on 14th October 2015 at 11:00 a.m. at the office of the Lodz SEZ.
The tender offers are to be evaluated on the basis of the criteria set out in „Specification of essential conditions for tender” and the Regulation of the Minister of Economy and Labour of 15 November 2004 concerning a way of execution, terms and conditions of tenders or negotiations and criteria of projects assessment when it comes to business activities which are to be undertaken by investors in the Lodz SEZ (Journal of Laws No. 254, item 2544 with further amendments).
The tender procedure will be won by the Bidder whose bidding offer will obtain the maximum score, however not less than 50% of all possible score and who will offer the purchase price not lower than the opening bidding price of the property.
The Lodz Special Economic Zone Joint-Stock Co. may invalidate tender procedure if there is a material change of circumstances resulting in that the continuation of the tender procedure is not in the public interest, which could not have been foreseen in advance and where the tender procedure has a defect which prevents the Permit from being issued. The Lodz SEZ Joint-Stock Co. will inform all bidders at the same time, in writing, about cancellation of the tender procedure, giving the factual and legal reasons thereof.
The content of the following invitation in Polish version is available on Lodz SEZ Joint Stock Co. website: www.sse.lodz.pl – in section “Przetargi”.